Ballet class in Dubai – Fortsetzung

The time goes by and I promised to report about the ballet class our little Éstelle. As you may know our Èsty will be 3 years old very soon, so I assume, she is pretty small child for going to professional ballet academy, she attends the very first class for the youngest kids. We are not planing to have a prima ballerina at home, I just truly believe that for every girl is very important to adopt not only good behavior but also she should learn how to move her body properly while she grows. This is the major reason why she is visiting this ballet class.

The kids in our class are very small, parents are asked to stay and watch their little ballerinas while learning to dance. This is great opportunity to observe your child and also the teacher.

I have to say that Estelle learned a lot since she is attending the classes, her teacher is amazing, always trying to keep attention to every child and also, which I find very important, the teacher is patient but also direct, so the kids having very healthy respect to her. This I find the most difficult, keep all going well in such crazy environment as loud music and little kids running around. I am every time amazed how well she is managing keep everybodys attention. The girls having fun and we parents enjoying the view of growing kids dancing around.

I definitely recommend to every parent at least to try some dance classes for their child. You never know, maybe you will find in your kid special talent with passion for music and dance.

Yours Two and half women.

P.S: Happy birthday our lovely friend Jana! We love you and miss you!